Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our most effervescent and enthusiastic congratulations...

To Rose & Jordan, who tied for first place in Aed the Whelpe's latest challenge! In addition to joining your brilliant brains together to determine the next challenge, you are also both the winners of the secret, mysterious, extra special additional prize, which was to name Rose & Jordan's first baby. Please enjoy this privilege, which would otherwise not have been yours.


J. Faux said...

Yes! Socrates Caligula it is then.

Ro Ro Riot said...

Hey! It's supposed to be a joint effort. If it's a girl I think we should name her Lizabess or Bessabeth. And if it's a boy I think we should name him Boy. Unless Spencer has a very interesting middle name that could be combined with Spencer. (I figure with these ideas I score major points with the rest of Aed.)

Spencer G said...

My middle name's lincoln... and that really doesn't create any awesome name combinations in MY mind... maybe a Spemmy or Jincer in honor of our precussionist?

Theodosia said...

Ahem. I'm just wondering when the next challenge will be issued. I hope that you're not fightint over it. You're supposed to cooperate, remember?