Monday, March 17, 2008

I won't title this one

awesome, just awesome cause I don't think my last "awesome" post was widely considered so, but I will say that I think this is pretty damn enjoyable.


Spencer G said...

Wow, those are incredible! Loved it! Here's something YOU might like.

Spencer G said...

Grrr.... I can't stop.

Bee Hives said...

Yes, quite awesome. I've never cared for flow charts, but now I feel I should explore my options more diagramically.

Where does one get a poodled llama? An alpoodca. My cousins' llama died last week. I hope they poodle whatever replacement they get.

Also, I think YOU will like this:

J. Faux said...

What a wonderful collection of videos and past-the-time-time-wasters. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

More on flowcharts:

Data, Findings for the Year from Demetri Martin
